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Broadgate spine & joint clinic news

by Alan Jordan

According to anatomical experts, the knee joint is the largest and most complicated of all joints in the body. Its vulnerability arises from the fact that it must bear weight as well as being flexible.

The knee joint connects the Femur (thigh bone), which is the longest bone in the body, to the Tibia (the shin bone), which is the second largest bone of the body.

knee joint

The knee joint is actually comprised of two joints. The first connects the Femur to the Tibia and the second connects the Patella (the knee cap) to the Femur. This construction allows for the knee to bend – mostly flex – and rotate, to a lesser degree.

The knee is part of a chain of structures that includes the pelvis, the hip, the upper leg, the lower leg, and the foot and ankle. All of these units work together and a problem in one area may result in difficulties elsewhere along the chain.

The knee joint bears most of the weight of the body. When we’re sitting, the Tibia and Femur barely touch because there is little weight for them to carry. However, when we stand, they lock together in order to form a stable unit.

There are a number of injuries that can impact the knee and two of the most common are described by Rahul Patel Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at our clinic. His article deals with meniscal injuries as well as anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Coming articles will deal with the diagnosis and treatment of other common knee injuries.

The team at Broadgate that specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of knee pain includes Sports Medical Specialists, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Rheumatologists, specially trained Physiotherapists and Podiatrists who specialise in gait analysis. This enables us to provide an individual and highly specialised treatment for your knee condition.

This article was written by Dr Alan Jordan, who is a clinic director as Broadgate Spine & Joint Clinic. To find out more about his work, go to https://www.broadgatespinecentre.co.uk/chiropractor-london/.

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