The knee is probably on the most stressed joint in the human body. Therefore it is also one of the most complex. All joints have bones, cartilage, tendons, muscles, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels to allow its function. The knee relies on 12 muscles at least to perform its function. It also has the Read More
Structure: The medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the knee is a 10-12cm long structure situated on the inside of the knee formed of collagen fibres. The tensile and elastic properties of ligaments are important to stabilise joints (bone-to-bone) but also allow movement. The MCL protects the knee from valgus stress – outward movement of the Read More
Advancements in surgery and rehabilitation mean that anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries and ruptures no longer mean the end of active sports participation. If there is no associated damage to the collateral ligaments, meniscus or degenerative changes within the knee, it may even be possible to manage the condition conservatively. This will be managed on Read More
As the largest joint in the body, the knee is very prone to injury and one of the most severe that can occur is a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). This injury requires a long rehabilitation period and the management and recovery plan will vary from patient to patient depending on their age, Read More
The knee is the largest and most elaborate joint in the human body. It consists of two articulations, one between the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone) and the other between the femur and patella (knee cap); and they are both very prone to injury. In this article, we’re discussing a particularly severe injury, Read More
Conditions and injuries that affect the knee can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort and there is no wonder when you consider that the knee joint is the most complicated and largest joint in the body. The knee is required to bear much of your body weight whilst remaining flexible at the same Read More
According to anatomical experts, the knee joint is the largest and most complicated of all joints in the body. Its vulnerability arises from the fact that it must bear weight as well as being flexible. The knee joint connects the Femur (thigh bone), which is the longest bone in the body, to the Tibia (the Read More
There has been a renewed interest in sports in the UK since London hosted the Olympics last year and many of us are now taking more exercise. Whilst this Olympics legacy is a good thing, it can also lead to sports-related injuries, such as damage to the knee. The two most common knee injuries are Read More
The London Olympics gave us all fresh impetus to review our weekly exercise regimes, through inspiration or just subliminally. Contributing to the ephemeral Olympic ‘legacy’ appears high on our national agenda as does the goal of creating a healthier society through exercise and thus it’s no surprise that exercise and sport participation rates are on Read More